Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tray 6U/Tray 4L Refinement 3, take 2

 So now I remember why I took so few photos towards the end.  It gets so boring!!  Not very much change from tray to tray but I do feel like overall my teeth are slowly getting straighter.  I also ordered my final tray again.  I still have my old one but I ended up wearing for it for too long (close to three months) and I'd rather have a new one.  It's going be $60 though!  Hope this all worth it when we add in the cost of the new Vivera retainers!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Tray 5U/3L Refinement set 3, Round 2

 So we are at the half way mark.  I didn't really notice much a difference with this tray.  My teeth look I but I'm still waiting for that one front tooth to rotate a couple more degrees.

For comparison here they they are at tray 2 for comparison:

And at the very beginning of this round