Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Refinements round 2!

Well, I knew it had been a long time since I updated but I didn't realize that I haven't posted since August!! Oh my - since then the snow has fallen twice where I live, halloween has past and we've even instigated a garden light war in our neighborhood.

And my teeth... well when it comes to my teeth I suppose there's two ways to look at it. On the negative side, I had to go through a second round of refinements after getting through my uber round of 20U/13L refinements. On the more positive side, there are only 6 trays (+ 3 overcorrection trays) and I have really little attachments (see if you can spot them) this time around.

I just saw Dr. A yesterday and things seem to be on track so far according to him (I'm a bit concerned about my uppers) and I as given my 4 through 6 trays. Pictures below and my next update to come in 6 weeks!


  1. your teeth look fantastic!! ONLY 6 MORE WEEKS and you will be done!!

  2. Thanks Smile - hope things are going well for you!

  3. Hello !

    First, I'm sorry because I'm french and I'm not fluent in english.
    But, I try to understand your blog...
    I find your blog interesting. It's clear, all the pictures also.
    The final results are very good ! Your teeth look nice and healthy ! You have a smile of star !!! So white !!!
    Now, do you plan to change your black fillings ? For an esthetic question...


  4. Hi Regis,

    Thanks for the comments. I've talked to my regular dentist about my fillings. Originally I actually had porcelain/tooth colored fillings but she actually redid them in the darker color because they are supposed to be stronger. We talked about it and I decided the darker color was worth having to avoid redoing my filling in the future.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Hi !

    Thanks for your answer !
    I enjoy to write to you, I can improve my english... I study 6 years at school, but my vocabulary is poor.
    I asked you about your fillings because esthetic problem. But, the more important is the health problem !
    I have read that these fillings could be dangerous. With a long time in your mouth, they could deliver toxic substances (inside your body) like mercury !
    I have also some fillings and I'm worried...
    In the other part, I know that they are stronger than white fillings.
    But, it's a serious question ?
    I don't know if you know about this question ? Are your fillings old ?

    By the way, where do you live ?
    In North America ?
    I live in France, in north east near Strasbourg. This time, it's so cold. There's snow already ! It's very soon in the season !



  6. your teeth look great! you should update

  7. ^^ Regis - No problem. I think it's best to talk to your dentist about it although there is also a lot of information online if you want to do some research beforehand. One of my fillings was about 10 years old when it was refilled. I think that's about average.

    I live in Canada and there's plenty of snow here too but that's pretty normal for where I live.

    ^ Thanks - I'm going to see Dr. A on Friday so will update soon! :)

  8. Hi !

    I hope that I don't disturb you, you're not too bored about my messages
    Well, I just have some other questions.
    If you can answer to me, it's nice !
    When I see your smile, I find your teeth really perfect, now.
    Is your treatment finishing ?
    I'm also amazing about the whiteness of your teeth...
    Is it natural ?
    Do you use a special toothpaste ?
    (About me, I use Elmex toothpaste made in Swiss and it's very good).
    Do you use a mouthwash after brushing ?
    And, what kind of toothbrush do you take ? Soft ? Medium ?
    Do you take your teeth's photos yourself ?
    Because their quality is really good !

    I finish with some questions (without relations with teeth).
    Where do you live in Canada ?
    I enjoy to travel, I have visited many countries in all the world but never in North America. And, I dream to visit Rocky Mountains (I like trekking)!!! It should be so lovely, so big !
    Hey ! Do you speak or write french ?
    Maybe, just some words...
    Can you try ?


  9. Hi!

    I'm happy to answer any questions about my teeth! Well, I'm almost done my treatment at this point but will talk to my Dr. on Friday. There's still a couple of things that are a bit off. I've whitened my teeth a couple of times using nitewhite and usually just brush with a soft electric toothbrush, regular toothpaste and sometimes rinse with non-alcohol based mouthwash.

    Hope the helps!

    btw - the rockies are pretty fantastic!

  10. Hi !

    I'm happy to ask you some questions !
    And, you can believe me... I improve my english like this !

    In my last message, I asked you if you take your teeth's photo yourself ?
    Could you answer me ?
    I imagine it's not easy (by yourself).
    When I look at your picture about your upper front teeth, I notice that your right incisor and your right canine are biggest than the other teeth (on the left side on the photo).
    Do you know it's possible to reduce these two teeth ? For having a "symmetrical" smile.
    Maybe, your dentist can do something ?

    My last question...
    When I look at the back of your upper molars, I can see some stains !
    What is it ? Maybe, decays ?

    Thanks for your answer.


  11. Hi Regis,

    I take the pictures myself with a Canon elph camera. It's really not that difficult, I just make sure I put it in close up or "tulip" mode and crop the photos afterward.

    My dentist and I had talked a bit reshaping/shaving a bit of the bottom of my teeth to look more even. A lot of it has to do with the initial placement of my teeth. As for my gumline, there isn't much that can be done with it short of gum grafting and it isn't important enough to me to go to such extremes.

    I'm not sure what you're referring to in terms of my back molars. I have a couple of fillings and there might be a bit of discoloration along the gumline due to teeth shifting but I'm pretty sure there isn't any decay since I saw my dentist quite recently.

    Hope that helps

  12. Hi !!!

    Thanks again for your answer !
    Do you imagine ?
    When I read your message, I need to take my dictionnary (french-english). I understand all what you mean... But, for some words, I lack vocabulary !
    When you write that you could do "a bit reshaping/shaving", I'm surprised about this.
    Because I didn't know that it was possible.
    So, if I understand you, your dentist can "file" the bottom of your teeth ???
    I suppose it should need a big precision ?
    And, it's probably painful for you ?

    I have seen an old tradition in Bali (Indonesia). When they celebrate weddings, somebody files the upper incisors of the married woman ! It's a strange tradition ! But, it's true !
    Apparently, it's really painful for the woman because it's not under anaesthetic !!!
    It's the tradition, for the beauty...
    Do you know it ?
    I see that you have asiatic origin, maybe you know some history about Asia...

    When I visited Japan (2 times), I was surprised because many women had no straighten teeth !
    Maybe, in this country, they prefer to stay like this. They don't have this beauty and health problem.


  13. Yes, I think shaving is a pretty common practice. I actually had a little bit done to make room for my teeth to move earlier on in my treatment and it wasn't painful at all. I think I wrote an entry about it earlier on.

    I wasn't aware of this particular Indonesian tradition. I've been to Japan as well and notice some of the same things. I think braces are getting a bit more popular there but it might be a while before it's as common as in North America.

  14. Wow! I saw your progress. It's really nice, I think. I have overbite too, and quite interested in knowing how to correct my teeth. I can't even remember the last time I went to a dental clinic. I found these dentists (Memphis, Tennessee area) who would examine my teeth next week. I have a good feeling about it 'coz they're very nice. Anyway, good luck with your progress! Keep us updated.

  15. Thanks Shelly - good luck with your dental appointment!

  16. I followed your blog in order to help me with my decision to get invisalign in canada, so thanks for posting. i am waiting (patiently) for my first set of refinements, the wait is horrible. I had 15u/12l and like you it was only supposed to be 7 months and now i'm approaching a year. i never thought it would take this long and sometimes i wish i went with standard braces, though the convenience of taking the trays out for weddings and whatever else is nice. It is a frustrating process for those who wish to get invisalign and i am glad i knew about what would happen thanks to you!

  17. Glad you found it helpful Jer! That's the reason why I started the blog. All the bet!
