The photos below were taken a few days ago before I switched over to tray 5. For the most part, I've noticed a bit of tightness at the beginning of each tray but not much beyond that. No visible changes yet but there's still quite a ways to go yet. The one thing I have noticed is that my teeth are staining a bit around my attachments. I'll have to make more of an effort to get to keep them clean and maybe book an early cleaning appointment. It makes me a bit concerned about when I get attachments on my front teeth though.
hey ive been reading your blog since the start and its really made me feel better about deciding to get invisalign, i just turned 19 and I can honestly say me and you have pretty similar teeth judging by your before treatment picture. The only thing is ill probably have to get cavaties filled and my wisdom teeth removed! thats the only depresssing part. Does it hurt to get your wisdom teeth removed? im pretty sure 2 of mine are impacted as well, i wasnt a regular visitor of the dentist as a child because my parents couldnt afford the insurance and costs and now that im working, i can say im pretty terrified lol :(
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your teeth look absolutely amazing now! im so jealous haha
ReplyDeleteHi Ajay,
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in and the kind words.
I absolutely know and relate the feeling of not being introduced to good dental care early on and waiting to get invisalign. Good luck with that though. It will definitely be worth it, especially if your teeth were close to mine at the beginning.
Getting my wisdom teeth out was pretty unpleasant but having said that, they were completely impacted and I was nearly 30 at the time. At 19, they may not have developed completely but you'll probably need a professional opinion and some xrays done. When I spoke to my dentist about whether or not I should have them removed, she did mention that given that I got through my twenties without any issues, they likely wouldn't cause any problems in the future. I wanted to be extra cautious and had them removed anyway though.
I don't remember the surgery at all because I was put under but the few days (after the drugs wore off) following were pretty brutal. I could barely sleep it was so painful. Eventually I just timed the prescription painkillers I had carefully and took one just as the next wore off. Having said all of the above, I had fully grown wisdom teeth that were entirely impacted and most people I have spoken to don't seem to go through as much trauma having their wisdom teeth removed.
Anyway - hope that helps. Feel free to ask any other questions.
your teeth are looking great!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Rita - how are things going for you? You must be nearly done if not already done!
ReplyDeleteWow, your teeth are looking so much better than before! Well done!