It's funny I've always wondered if my friends (and others) in the dental profession were fixated on teeth in general and noticed how crooked my teeth were. People have always been polite in general about them and the only comments I had ever gotten prior to getting braces were from my family and for the most they were out of kindness (ie. my mom really encouraged me to straighten them to improve my dental health). Having said that, since getting my braces, they've really come out of the woodwork and commented on my teeth and even perfect strangers (dental assistants, hygienists and dentists alike) have asked about them. It's like the hone in on my teeth, what's going on with them and immediately recognize the invisalign where others might just notice that something is different.
So here I am, just finished tray 16, ready to move on to tray 17 on Monday and wondering how much movement can take place in one tray as it will be the last of my first round of regular trays (in addition to listening to Metric's new album - love love them). After that I have 3 over correction trays before moving on to refinements if needed. This is going quite quickly!

Natural smile, still some overlap between my right front incisor and next tooth

some bad lighting here, but notice how my midline isn't quite lined up and uneven gumline.

here's my top arch - you can see where the incisors aren't quite straight more clearly here.

bottom teeth are mostly straight but not quite. sorry my fillings are kind of gross

looks a lot better than before but i am hoping to shaving that canine down a bit after i'm finished.

here's my other big issue, my teeth aren't quite lining up with each other anymore whereas they did before. my molars don't touch either although they didn't to begin with. will wait until i'm through with my over-correction trays and see how they look then.
Anyhow my next appointment with Dr. A is in 2 weeks and I will update again then!