One thing I had forgotten about until I reread some of my old posts is how sick I used get. Now I don't know if I can trace back the cause to Invisalign or not but it was bad. I was sick with a cough for weeks at a time. I didn't realize until afterward that some people have an allergic reaction to Invisalign. I don't know if that was my issue or not. Coincidentally, once I was pregnant and done with invisalign, I rarely got sick. Happened at the same time so I can't separate one from the other. Up until now... maybe?
Anyway, one month into Invislian I'm sick again. I hope it's not COVID. I did go get tested this morning after waiting close to an hour in multiple socially distanced lines so we'll see what happens when I get that back. I wish I could pop in a lozenge right now but I can't. At least I'm home and at first I thought I'd get a jumpstart on a teeth whitening series of blog of pictures but I'm tired and right now I just want to get into bed and nap. And I'm done with work emails so there's nothing stopping me. Nothing.
UPDATED October 9/2020: So I was pleasantly surprised just before dinner to a get a text re: my results - COVID negative. Still have this head cold though.
How is the “post-Invisalign retainer journey” going? And did you consider fixed retainer with water flossing?