So I'm a bit of dork as you can probably tell from the blog.
Anyway, even the dork in me had to fully take in the set up for this whitening kit I bought from Costco.
Here's the box
Here is what the contraption looks like. Nice soft rubber insert for where teeth go.
It looks kind of like a spaceship.
I'm going to try to take pictures in the same bathroom to keep the light source the same in my photos. I can't tell what colour my teeth currently are. Somewhere in the middle?
Here is what this thing looks like in my mouth. Once you put the gel in, the light is supposed to expedite the whitening. They didn't provide too much scientific material to back that up.
The experience was a little offputting. Previously I just put the gel in my trays and went around my business until it was time to rinse it out. This time around, I had to keep this thing in my mouth the whole time, hoping it didn't come out if I sneezed. I was drooling all over the place. Next time I may try with my trays on. I do like the softness of the material they used to make the mouthguard, just not convinced, it can keep the whitening gel on my teeth.
Will update on the whitening process in a few days after I've applied a few more times.
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