Saturday, September 12, 2020

It's been nearly 10 years and I'm back again!

I didn't expect to be here again yet here I am.  Of course there are a lot of things that I wasn't expecting in the year 2020.  I plan to share a little bit more of the details over the next few weeks as I take some time to reflect but here are the high/lowlights of my post braces life:

- still married and with two kids now both in school

- have been working full time outside of maternity leave so its been a busy 10 years

-  have worn both a wire and multiple essix retainers regularly and have broken a number of them over the years

- have seen some regression since being in retainers and been somewhat unhappy about it over the last year or two.

- the last time a retainer broke and I went to see my dentist he suggested I try Vivera retainers.  When I mentioned I still had my old trays.  He suggested I try cleaning my old retainers and popping them back in before we do a new mold.  

- I really want this right so I went back to the beginning of my final refinements (6U+ 3 overcorrection trays) so it'll take me a few months to get through them all.  I've also purchased some whitening gel so looking forward to having a straighter and whiter smile again soon.

One thing I'll note is that brushing my teeth as a middle aged working mother, while working in a senior role in an office tower during a pandemic, keeping up with the invisalign hygiene is way different then the first time when I started this process in my late 20s.  It's brutal and takes so much more discipline.  I sometimes think, if only I had started this process when I was still working at home several months ago. But then again, nothing ever came of coulda woulda shoulda.  I'm back here now and I'm going to just get it done.

My teeth at the beginning of this "reboot".  Not as bad as at the beginning of treatment but leaves some room for improvement!

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